AURORAL started in January 2021 and it is estimated to end on December 31st 2024. AURORAL contributes to increase economic growth and create jobs in rural areas to increase connectivity and digitization by cost-efficient and flexible cross-domain applications through large-scale pilots in five European regions.
It builds on an open, API-based, interoperable and federated Internet of Things (IoT) architecture and includes a reference implementation supporting flexible integration of heterogeneous services, bridging the interoperability gap of the smart object platforms and creating markets for services in rural areas.
Atos leads WP5 – Pilots responsible for the deployment and extension of existing vertical tools and services through AURORAL’s data broker to enable their integration at AURORAL’s pilot sites. We will lead the activities to ensure integration and validation of vertical tools and services at pilot sites, as well as monitor their interoperability and provide feedback for their continuous improvement.
Furthermore, Atos also leads the adaptation and extension of Marketplace Services to ensure the exchange of products and services between local communities. The requirements to be meet to include offering, demand and trading management to cover the digitalization of “farm markets”.